Pay Utility - City of Coleman

City of Coleman
Settled in 1882, Chartered in 1925
“Holding on to the values of the past while moving progressively into the future”
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This sign in page is mandatory.  Once you click the 'SEND' button below, you will be directed to a sign in or signup page. If you have previously signed up, DO NOT signup again. If you have multiple accounts utility accounts, you are able to pay them each with your ONE website login account.

***Even if you have a new email address, there is no need to signup again, on the payment page you will be able to send your receipt to the email account of your choice.***

Simply use the login that asks, "User Already Registered" to sign in. On the screen it directs you to, you will be able to specify which account you are paying.

In Case of emergency call 911
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