Home Page - City of Coleman Florida

Settled in 1882, Chartered in 1925
“Holding on to the values of the past while moving progressively into the future”
City of Coleman
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The City of Coleman
Coleman was first settled in 1882 by people who farmed the Warm Springs Hammock.  Adamsville had been the home of most of the early settlers where the main source of revenue had been growing and selling oranges.  The freeze of 1894/95 forced most residents to move away in search of other livelihood.  Citrus was not the only source of revenue. Raising cotton, cattle, sheep, and hogs were also ways of making a living.  Wool was shipped to Baltimore for processing.  By 1923, Coleman was called the "Cabbage Capital" of the world with buyers flocking to town to buy the crops.  Other crops produced in Coleman included celery, cauliflower, cucumbers, lettuce, romaine, tomatoes, and onions.
In the earlier days, a stage line ran through Adamsville furnishing transportation and mail for the community.  In 1883 the railroad was built from Wildwood to Lake Panasoffkee and finally completed to Tampa.
The Florida Gazzette in 1886/87 listed Dr. B. F. Coleman, physician, as one of the early settlers and for whom Coleman was named.Unofficial records indicate that the City of Coleman was first incorporated under general laws on June 20, 1908.  The first ordinances of the Town of Coleman were written by N.J. Wicker, first mayor protem who served in the Florida Legislature for many years during the early part of the century.
The City received its charter in 1925. Streets were paved, electric lights installed and collected refuse  for its citizens.
The City of Coleman strives to be progressive and continually meet the growing needs of the community. Amenities include parks, playgrounds, and a community building.
City Council Meetings
  • Second Monday of each month
  • Coleman City Hall - 3502 E Warm Springs Ave
  • 6:30 p.m.

Public Notice
Upcoming Events
● City Council Meeting - Apr 14@6:30PM
Fair Housing & Civic Rights
The City of Coleman is committed to fair housing and civil rights laws to protect persons regardless of race, color, familial status, handicap, national origin, religion and sex.        
For more information or to report a potential civil rights violation including those related to fair housing, equal employment opportunity or Section 504 / ADA compliance, contact Milton Hill, Mayor, at 352-748-1017.        

The City of Coleman has adopted a Fair Housing Ordinance in accordance with Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which establishes that every person should be able to obtain the housing of their choice – or participate in a real estate transaction – without being discriminated against based upon race, color, national origin, religion, gender/sex, handicap/disability or familial status.  Included in the link below is a dramatization which shows a possible discriminatory act:         
In Case of Emergency Call 911
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